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Abe Kōbō, "Seventeen Years in Shenyang." -- 安部公房「瀋陽十七年」 (1954) (excerpt).

Japanese to English translation for teaching. Abe Kōbō lived in China's Northeast with his family from age one to twenty one and this essay is a postwar memory of his youthful days in Shenyang.

Yimamura Eiji, "The Crossings." -- 今村栄治「同行者」 (1938)

Japanese to English translation. Translated by my student Emma Cool and my colleague Lehyla Howard upon my commission for teaching. My favorite story from Manchukuo by a Korean writer who identified as Japanese.

Kong Sŏnok, "In the Rain." -- 공선옥 「빗속에서」 (2007)

Korean to Chinese translation. This translation won the New Translator Prize from the Literature Translation Institute of Korea. The original story was a winner of the Yisang Literary Award in South Korea in 2007. It is one of the three stories by contemporary Korean women writers that I translated from Korean to Chinese.

Ǔn Hŭigyŏng, "Wife's Box." -- 은희경 「안내의 선물」 (1998)

Korean to Chinese translation. The original story was a winner of the Yisang Literary Award in South Korea in 1998. It is one of the three stories by contemporary Korean women writers that I translated from Korean to Chinese.

P’yŏn Hyeyŏng, "Would You Like to Take a Tour Bus?" -- 편혜영 「관광버스를 타실래요」 (2008)

Korean to Chinese translation. It is one of the three stories by contemporary Korean women writers that I translated from Korean to Chinese.

Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess (1905)

English to Chinese translation. Forthcoming

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